
Wednesday 14 October 2020

Kiwi Can

 I.A.L.T: Write about my Kiwi Can session today.

Today my class went to Kiwi Can. We were learning about respect and our Kiwi Canners with Jodesy and Shael. Our first game we played was dead ant. The game starts off with music playing and when the music stops the person who stopped the music will say something like two hands, one foot and three people. Then you would put two hands on the ground and lift one foot. If they say dead ant then you would lay on your back with your legs and arms in the air. The last person to do what the instructor says is out. The second game we played was maui matoe. In the game everyone has a stick and is in a circle. When the instructor says maui you grab the stick that is on your left. If the instructor says matoe then you will grab the stick to your right. We then learned the catchphrase for respect which is 'we respect our school, we do it because we're cool'.  Today we got a 2.5/3 for our behaviour.

I enjoyed playing maui matoe because it was fun trying to grab the sticks before they fell but it was also challenging when we stepped back more. 

Have you done Kiwi Can before?


  1. Hola. I am Manvi from St Mary’s School.
    I really liked how you and your school works together and collaborated and it's nice to see you've got a 2.5/3 for your respect, keep going.
    This reminds me of how our class goes outside to do a bit of P.E and we always communicate with each other.
    Next time you could make a screencastify of you and your classmates playing and write what you think you could improve on.
    Please visit my blog

    Mā te wā

  2. Hi Peyton,I like how you added a photo of a kiwi on your blog and how you told everyone your class went to kiwi-can and yes i have done kiwi can before. net time you make your writing a bit clear. but also keep the good work up.

  3. Hi there Peyton,
    I really like your blog post because there is alot of interesting information.
    Yes I have done Kiwi Can before I really enjoy it.
    I also like to play Maui matau don't you reckon it is fun?.
