
Thursday 3 September 2020

Geometric Art

 W.A.L.T: Upload our geometric art and write about them.

Last week we did geometric art. We first chose an animal and started to draw it on an A4 or A3. Then we turned the curved lines into straight lines. After we were satisfied with how our drawing looked we then started drawing shapes inside the animal. Next we took a permanent marker and outlined the animal. Then we coloured in the shapes. When we had coloured the shapes we cut it out. I'm not finished yet so here is my friend Sofia's penguin.

Do you like Sofia's pengiun?


  1. Talofa lava Peyton, its Aysha from Waikowhai Primary School. I think that Sofia's art is great it looks so cool and detailed. May I ask what animal did you do? I think that your art is great even if it isn't finished. I hope you have a awesome day! goodbye and if you have time check out my blog!

  2. Hello, Peyton.
    I like how you put all of the your commas in the right spot
    and all your capitals in the right spot.
    The thing that you can improve is making your writing make sence.

    Over all great job Peyton.

  3. Hello Peyton.
    I really liked how you put all of your commas and
    capitals in the right places.
    The thing that you can improve on is making your writing
    a litte bit more sence.

    over all Peyton good job.

  4. Hi peyton. I really like your blog post. After were the A4 or A3 you could have put paper so they new what you are talking about.

  5. Kia ora, Peyton
    Your blog post is detailed.
    I like how you added the steps.
    Next time add some description on what your animal would of looked like, but this was a great blog post.

  6. hey peyton
    great penguin,i like how you put different colours in our geometric art but look at the right arm it's a bit beat so next time be more conscious

    good job
