
Friday 17 April 2020

Summary of Rising Seas.

IALT: Summarise the text Rising Seas.
I have to summarise rising seas because it is the text I am reading. If you don't know what a summary is  it is when you read a book and write what happens in the book. Here is my summary.

The text rising seas talks about the sea levels rising and how they are. Sea levels are caused because of global warming. Global warming makes lots of ice around the world to melt making more water and that’s how global warming causes rising seas. Every year the sea levels rise causing bad effects on land and it isn’t slowing down. Rising seas damage roads, houses, crops, bridges and many more things. It is a big problem. It also talks about a surprising thing that happened in 2010 and 2011. Unusual weather patterns meant that the rain that’s supposed to be in the ocean landed on Australia causing a giant flood. The surprising thing was that Australia was so dry that it soaked up all that water like a giant sponge.

Did you think this was a good summary and how do you think I could have done to make it flow better?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peyton, this is a great summary. You have included all of the main points from the text.
    A suggestion from me to help with the flow would be to switch the ends of some of your sentences and put them at the beginning. For example, your sentence says "Global warming makes lots of ice around the world to melt making more water and that’s how global warming causes rising seas", but it would make more sense and flow better if it said " Global warming causes rising seas by causing the ice all over the world to melt, creating more water."
    I hope this helped. Keep up the awesome mahi.
