
Tuesday 24 March 2020

The life cycle of a frog.

WALT: Choose a topic to write an explanation piece of writing.

Did you know that frogs absorb water through their skin so they don’t need to drink? Frogs are amphibians and are known for their jumping ability, croaking sounds, bulging eyes and slimy skin. There are more than 6,000 species. There are 4 stages in a frogs life cycle. Egg, tadpole, froglet and adult.

Eggs are usually laid in or near water. A frog's egg looks like a tiny eyeball. Frogs can lay over one thousand eggs at once the eggs are covered in jelly so it is slippery and predators can”t eat them.

When the egg hatches a tadpole will emerge from the egg. Tadpoles have gills just like fish. It uses its long tail to swim and they eat tiny water plants.

Once the tadpole is a froglet it will grow lungs and legs. The gills will disappear. Their tail will get shorter and shorter until it disappears too. The froglet swims to the top of the water to breathe air.

Now when the froglet is finally an adult it can leave the water and live on land. It can eat insects, worms and snails. Mother frogs return to the water to lay eggs.

Have you ever written an explanation piece of writing? If you haven't what would you write about?

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